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May 31, 2024 FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

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TXT file 2024 May 31 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
MS Word file 2024 May 31 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes May 31, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 07:00 pm.
Present were President, Mikey Wiseman; 1st Vice President, Cassandra Jessie; 2nd Vice President, Shelley Sawyer; Treasurer, Mark Lear; Membership Secretary, Sally Benjamin; Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Bowden; and Immediate Past President, Sheila Young.
Administrative Assistant Kati Lear joined the meeting as a guest.  

Upcoming meetings
June 1, 2024, Voting taskforce for ACB elections.
June 3, 2024, Selection of stipend winners to attend ACB convention.
June 4, 2024, Meeting with Miami Beach chapter dissolution plans Deadline for submissions is November 1.  All documents should be submitted with termination on December 1.  At that time, the Treasurer will disconnect the chapter from FCB web page EIN Number and Sunbiz
June 15, 2024, 11:00 AM. Several states have approached our President for the purpose of creating a caucus during ACB elections.  An alternate meeting date is June 22.  
August 6, 2024, Executive committee meeting if there is business to discuss.  

Mikey Wiseman stated that he has been contacted by the NFB of Florida.  Some changes have been made to the paratransit in Miami.  He and Jorge Hernandez, president of NFB will work together to represent consumer organizations and collaborate with the transit system to ensure consumer needs are being met.  

The Southbank Hotel presented our bill, which was approximately $20,000.00.  The ACB convention being in Florida lowered some of our numbers for meals, along with increased motel costs.  

Mikey stated that he is not planning any changes to committees or processes until after the ACB convention.  Changes to bank accounts will take place when the minutes of the business meeting elections are received.  

Kati stated that paperwork for FCB stipend payments should be completed, and most payments received in approximately two weeks.  

Domain email addresses were discussed.  If anyone would like to have a domain email address, they can contact Kati to coordinate the process.  

We have collected $525.00 in chapter donations for goodie bags.  Sheila will send a note reminding chapters that the deadline for donations is approaching.  

Mikey has been contacted regarding the Legislative day held in March 2024.  The program will continue more formally and take place again in September.  A representative for FCB will be appointed.  

The DBS Florida Rehab Council has openings for representatives.  Members of the committee were encouraged to make application for open seats on the committee, and encourage others to do so as well.  An email will be sent to chapter Presidents.

The first Tuesday of the month has been marked for monthly Executive Committee meetings.  If there is no business, no meeting will be held.  

A motion was made by Cassandra Jessie to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Sally Benjamin and was unopposed. The meeting was adjourned at 08:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth Bowden
Recording Secretary
Florida Council of the Blind