Awards Committee

Mary Tyson, Chair
Jason Goldfield
Cachet Wells


This is the only committee composed of three members. Each person serves a three-year term, the third year as Chairperson.

At the conclusion of the Annual Convention, the current Chairperson rotates off the committee and a new member is appointed by the incoming Chair.

All awards must be processed through this Committee. The awards are presented at the Annual Convention and are as follows:

R. Henry P. Johnson
(recipient must be legally blind)

Dolly Gamble
(recipient may be blind or sighted)

William Alfred Ouzts
(outstanding and long-term service to FCB)

William Ferrell "Just Bill"
(recipient may be blind or sighted - bettering quality of life)

(outstanding Chapter President)

(recipient must be a Florida Elected Official exhibiting outstanding legislative activities on behalf of people who are blind)

Outstanding High School Senior
(This award is intended to honor a legally blind high school senior in Florida, who in academics, school and community has performed better than all his/her peers.)

(This award is intended to honor a high school senior at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind who has demonstrated the most improvement in orientation and mobility while at the school.)

Chapters/Special Interest Affiliates
(The Chapter/Special Interest Affiliates selects its recipient(s) based on the Chapter's/Special Interest Affiliate’s own criteria)

Nominations are to be received by the Chairperson in email, typed or braille format (no handwriting) no later than the date determined by the committee.

All awards will be presented at the FCB Annual Convention.

Criteria for the awards, as well as more detailed committee instructions are in the FCB Policy Manual, Appendix E.

If you have any questions or comments, email the FCB Awards Committee at