Convention Payment page

Thank you for your convention registration.  Forms and payment as well as online registration and payment must be postmarked no later than 11:59 PM Thursday, May 8, 2025 to guarantee the Early Bird registration discount of $35.00 for attendees who will be in the hotel meeting rooms and those attending on Zoom.  Registration at the door will be $40 paying with cash or check only.  

  • If you are paying by check, your choices will not be honored until Sally receives your check.  Please make check payable to FCB and mail to:
    Sally Benjamin
    1009 Concord Road Apt. 116
    Tallahassee, FL 32308
  • If you are paying online, use the PayPal button below to pay via credit/debit card or PayPal.  In the payment button, carefully choose which you are paying for.  Example; registration plus which meals, etc.
  • Once online payment is completed, it will return you to this page, so if you choose, you have the opportunity to make a much-appreciated Personal Convention Donation with the second payment button below.  Thank you.

Convention Payment Button

Carefully Choose Convention Option


Donation to Cover Cost of Convention

We will also be happy to accept your tax deductible donation to cover the cost of convention. Use the below button to choose your gift amount.