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April 4, 2024 FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

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TXT file 2024 April 4 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
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A meeting  of the Executive Committee was held on Thursday, April4 , 2024.  Thos in attendance were: Sheila young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-president; Mary Tyson, Recording Secretary; Sally Benjamin, Membership Secretary; and mark Lear, Treasurer. Also in attendance was Kati Lear, Administrative Assistant.  The meeting began at 07:01 PM.

Motion to approve the minutes of the January 21 and February 24 meetings was made by Mark and seconded by Sally.  Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

Sheila asked Mark for an update on our financial paperwork.  He and Sheila have both reached out to Michael Carlisle numerous times and had not received any response. We are currently searching for a new person/company to do this work to ensure that we remain in compliance.                                             

Mary asked if Michael Carlisle had any documents or information that we needed to get back from him but Mark said that we have everything.  

Mary made a motion that once Mark has all the information that he needs, that he  write to him and advise that due to his lack of responsiveness and the failure to complete the work in a timely manner, that we would no longer require  his services. Motion was seconded by Sally and was passed.

Mark requested that Mikey provide him with the contact information of the person who had had to remove the donate button from our website in the past due to our compliance issues.  We do not want that to happen again.

Sheila asked how the new website was working out.  Everyone is generally pleased and happy with the service being  provided.

Mikey provided an update on the FAASBI incident that occurred in Tallahassee. The Executive Director at the time, Amy Grissom, had sent out letters and  statements, saying that anything we may wish to make a complaint about had not happened.  This was in spite of the fact that we had not made any public statement on the incident. Mikey received a call from a FAASBI member who wanted a statement from him as what they were hearing did not seem correct.  After speaking with Mikey they immediately met  with other FAASBI members, several of whom  resigned their membership.  Amy Grissom has resigned as Executive Director and the interim Director has spoken with Sheila and Mikey regarding the letter we had written and has apologized for the incident.  It is hope that we will be able to move forward and work together in the future.

Pinellas Council and Greater Orlando won the first and second prizes in the family feud game.

Sheila sent a note to Dan  Moraseski apologizing for any actions that had been taken that had offended him and asked if there was anything that we could do to make things better in the future.        

New Business:

We do not currently have an Access Committee chair.  Sheila has spoken with several members who are unable to take the position at this time. Sheila will send out an email to the Access Committee to see if any have interest of serving as chair or if they have any suggestions of anyone who would be a good fit.

No meeting has yet been scheduled to discuss the awarding of scholarships and we are running out of time.  Sheila will reach out to the Committee in the next few days to get one scheduled.

There is also concern about lack of communication with the Awards Committee.  That meeting has also not been scheduled.

Scott Thornhill, ACB Executive Director, is planning to attend our convention. Mikey made the motion that we treat him as an invited guest and incur all of his expenses, to include: air fare, hotel, banquets and registration.  Mary seconded the motion.  It was felt that this was a unique opportunity to introduce Mr. Thornhill to his first state convention with one of the largest affiliates in ACB.      
Mark made a motion to give $100 towards the cost of shipping to the ACB Summer auction.  Motion was seconded by Cassandra.  Motion passed.

The April community call, on April 27, at 2:00 PM, will be to educate people about our convention.  This will include information for the First Timers.

The June community call, tentatively scheduled for June 8, will be about voting at ACB and will have members of the voting task force to explain how it will be done this year.

Mikey asked Sheila if she could assist CALM in establishing their bank account as they have been having a problem.  Sheila said that she has offered to help but they have not had enough money to open the account without paying a fee, and until they do it is really up to them how they want to handle it.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by,

Mary Tyson,
FCB Recording Secretary