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March 28 2023 Executive Committee Minutes

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TXT file 2023 March 28 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
MS Word file 2023 March 28 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee Meeting March 28, 2023

A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Tuesday, March 28.  The meeting began at 7:00 PM.  Those in attendance were President Sheila Young, 1st Vice-President Mikey Wiseman, 2nd Vice-President Cassandra Jessie, Treasurer Mark Lear, Recording Secretary Mary Tyson, Membership Secretary Sally Benjamin, and Administrative Assistant Kati Lear.

Motion was made by Sally to accept the minutes of the February 16, 2023 meeting and seconded by Cassandra.  Motion passed.

FCB Computer Update:

Kati advised that the new FCB computer had been purchased and installed and that all was working well.  She will write a thank you note to John Palmer for the excellent service, and the fact he gave FCB a $1,000 discount as well.

The old computer monitor was disposed of as it was no longer fully functional.  The hard drive will be erased and physically destroyed.

Chapter Updates:

Sarasota - Mary reported that she had attempted to reach the president of the Sarasota but the number on the website had been disconnected.  She did reach their membership secretary and she provided a different number for him and did confirm that he is still the president of their chapter.  She will reach out to him via the new phone number.

FCCLV –Mikey reported that they were still attempting to get the correct officers names on the accounts and there has been some delay as this must be done by appointment only and his local bank branch. A deposit has been made in sufficient amount that the account will not be charged monthly fees.   Otherwise things are moving along well.

RSVF – Sheila reported that she had spoken with Colton Knight of RSVF.  He advised that they were disbanding but wanted to make things right with FCB.  Sheila told him that they were wrong in disbanding without reaching out to FCB first as there were procedures that needed to be followed. She read RSVF constitution and there was nothing in it that indicated that should they dissolve their affiliate that the funds would go to FCB, however, they are still bound by the FCB Constitution. Sheila is waiting to hear back from Mr. Knight as he is attempting to find the pertinent documents.  

Mikey made a motion that we notify RSVF that we need to resolve this in a timely manner and that the deadline for receiving information requested is April 30, 2023.  Motion was seconded by Sally.  Motion passed.

Convention Update:

Kati advised that the exhibit form and the convention call were near completion. Members may not register via email but must print the form out in Microsoft Word and fill it out so that the pagination will be correct.   A convention call may be received by mail upon request.  

Events at convention will be streamed except for Friday’s Preconvention Board Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting and the Sunday morning Business meeting.  Those meetings will be done via FCB Zoom.

Mikey reported that he received a call from the Sheraton North informing him that FCB had exceeded their room block by 26 rooms. He was further advised that they would not be able to extend our room rate. They finally agreed to an extended room rate of $149.00 per night which is $50 more per night than was in our contract.  Members were informed that the block was closed and that if they needed to reserve a room that they should email Mikey for assistance.  He currently has a waiting list of more than 10 requests.

The Convention Committee decided to ask the Executive Committee to approve the sum of $3,000 so that we can allocate 60 additional room nights. The hotel would keep a separate list for us of rooms that were at the $149 rate. FCB would encumber the cost of these additional room nights.  It was suggested that the rooms on the master list be moved to the $149 rate list first as it was believed that this would make it easier to track and have fewer people needing to reimburse FCB.       

Mary made a motion to approve an allocation not to exceed $4,000 to subsidize an additional 80 room nights at the Sheraton Orlando North. Motion was seconded by Mikey and was approved.
There was some concern that the 80 additional room nights may not be sufficient but this will be addressed at a future date if necessary.  Mikey will be dealing with all additional people making reservations and will explain to them individually the reimbursement situation.

Community Call, Registration 101, is tentatively scheduled for April 22, and will be hosted by Sally, Cassandra and Kati.  The Family Feud competition will be on April 29.  Due to the shortage of rooms available Cassandra made a motion to award the winning team $100 and the motion was seconded by Mary.  Motion passed.    

Sheila and Mikey have not had an opportunity to meet with the president of CALM but will do so in the next few weeks.

Mark reported that the forms for the Department of Agriculture and the Department. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles have been completed and mailed. Sheila has sent Mark the address to mail the two checks required in the amounts of $25 and $75.

Mikey explained that there had been an oversight in getting everything completed and they narrowed it down to the time where Mark and Kati had been displaced due to Hurricane Ian. Mikey explained the situation and the fine we incurred was reduced from $500 to $25. The new additional fee for registration had not been paid that would allow us to stay in compliance and allow FCB to accept donations.      We should be back in compliance soon.

Motion to adjourn was made by Cassandra and seconded by Mary.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Mary Tyson
FCB Recording Secretary