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TXT file 2024 May 11 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
MS Word file 2024 May 11 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
FCB Executive Committee Meeting May 11, 2024
A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Those in attendance were: Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-President; Treasurer, Mark Lear; Membership Secretary, Sally Benjamin and Recording Secretary, Mary Tyson. Also in attendance was Kati Lear, Administrative Assistant. The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
motion to approve the minutes of the April 4, meeting was made by Mikey and seconded by Mark. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
Mark reported That we have not been able to get our paperwork completed. He has spoken with someone who is willing to do it for us but we have to officially resolve our standing with our current accountant. Mikey wants to file a complaint with the entity that oversees accountants in the state of Florida. This will be looked into. Mark said he will have a status update on Monday. This is a serious concern as we have not been able to get our question answered for over a year.
Pam has completed the DHSMV forms and Sheila will make sure that they are notarized and faxed so that we don’t risk having a donation option removed from our website.
Sheila advised that she had had two reports on the Activities Committee event recently held at Sea World and they were not positive. It was apparently very disorganized, and the committee chair became very upset. It was felt that this was not a good look for FCB and people were concerned about such events going forward.
Mikey made a motion that he and Sheila make some time to discuss the Sea World trip with Janeen. This would give some guidance as to how things should be handled going forward. Motion was seconded by Mary and motion passed.
Convention Update:
Sheila is concerned about the room being large enough for our pizza night event on Thursday. Currently there are 60 people signed up. Mikey said that they would handle those logistics on their walkthrough.
Mikey will get with Margaret, Paul Edwards’ daughter on Monday to determine where to order the pizzas and how many to order. Seven dozen cupcakes are being ordered for Carl McCoy’s 97th birthday which will be celebrated on Thursday night.
Mikey announced that he and his mom would be in attendance at convention in person since she had been cleared to travel.
At the Tuesday night Presidents meeting they will be reminded that if their membership secretaries are in attendance at convention that they need to attend the Credentials meeting. They need to report how many members they have and who their delegates are. Chapters in good standing and their number of delegates will be presented in the Credentials Report at the Preconvention Board Meeting.
Mikey made a motion that the Credentials Chair put out on the FCB listserv that any chapter or special interest affiliate who may not be in attendance in person, contact the Credentials Chair by noon on Wednesday, May 15, to advise of the membership numbers and delegate count. This will maintain their compliance and they will be eligible to vote via the Zoom platform at the Sunday business meeting. Motion was seconded by Mary. Motion passed.
There was a concern about whether it would be considered double dipping to receive travel and per diem reimbursement from one affiliate and travel reimbursement from another. It was determined that as long as none of the reimbursements were duplicated that it would not be considered double dipping.
Mary made a motion that since breakfast is no longer included at our hotel that the standard $6 be included as part of the per diem paid to attendees. Motion was seconded by Cassandra. Motion carried.
Cassandra made a motion that we have the By-laws Committee take a look at why a board rep is only paid one day per diem while officers are paid two. Motion was seconded by Mary. Motion passed.
Sheila met with Nancy Folsom about Kati’s salary noting that she currently makes $13.25 per hour. Nancy plans to bring to the business meeting that Project Insight recommends that she receive a raise.
Mikey made a motion that the Executive Assistant position pay rate match that of OPS, entry level positions as designated by the State of Florida from this point forward. He amended his motion to state that it would continue to follow the state norms should they be adjusted in the future and this will be placed in our policy manual. Motion was seconded by Mary and the amendment was accepted. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM
Respectfully submitted by,
Mary Tyson,
FCB Recording Secretary