FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024 President Mikey Wiseman called the meeting to order at 10:58 AM. Present were President Mikey Wiseman; 2nd Vice President, Shelley Sawyer; Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Bowden; Treasurer, Mark Lear; Immediate Past President, Sheila Young; Executive Assistant, Kati Lear; and Annette Carter; FCB web master. The purpose of this meeting was to establish email addresses using domain names in order to eliminate fraudulent emails being sent using our current email addresses. It was decided that Annette would create the following email addresses; president@fcb.org, vp2@fcb.org treasurer@fcb.org and secretary@fcb.org. Mikey will speak with 1st Vice President, Cassandra Jessie about an email address for her and advise Annette according to Cassandra’s request. Sheila Young decided to leave her email address unchanged. Annette will also create a group email execcom@fcb.org for sending to the executive committee. Annette will speak with all who will have new addresses to assist them with adding to current email clients and / or devices. She stated that a web version is also available for those who wish to access email using a web browser. Committee members will assist any member who needs familiarity with efficiently checking email using the new addresses. Sally Benjamin reported spam messages she has received through the “membership” email address. Annette asked that we notify her of any spam email so she can block the IP address and eliminate the mail. Any changes to the web page should continue to go through Kati Lear as usual. The committee agreed that any further changes to email would take place after National Convention. The committee discussed current contact information published in the White Cane Bulletin. It was mutually agreed that no street addresses would be published, but other information would remain the same, showing name, email address, phone number and city. The meeting was adjourned at 12:04 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Elizabeth Bowden, FCB Recording Secretary