FCB Executive Committee Meeting July 7, 2021 A meeting of the FCB Executive Committee was held on Wednesday, July 7, 2021. The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Those in attendance were: Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-President; Mark Lear, Treasurer; Sally Benjamin, Membership Secretary; Mary Tyson, Recording Secretary; Immediate Past President, Jim Kracht and Kati Lear, guest. Minutes of the April meeting were not available for approval. Cassandra advised that she was almost finished with the Administrative Assistant job description revisions and would be sending it to Mikey. It should be ready for discussion at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. Sheila reported that she had made Sally the Officer Liaison to Palm Beach chapter. She asked that everyone review their liaison responsibilities and advise if they would like to change anything. Kati has updated the website. Sheila asked if everyone understood the upcoming process for voting at the ACB convention. A special board meeting has been called for Tuesday, July 13, in an effort to get everyone involved. A decision on whether or not to split FCB votes during the actual convention will be decided at the special upcoming board meeting. Following is the list of candidates recommended by the Executive Committee: Officers: President, Dan Spoone, 1st Vice-President, Deb cook Lewis, 2nd Vice-President, Ray Campbell, Secretary, Denise Colley and Treasurer David Trott Board of Directors: Incumbents Jeff Bishop, Donna Brown, and Doug Powell. Vacancies: Chris Bell and Kenneth Semien. Board of Publications: Penny Reeder, Zelda Gebhard, and Cachet Wells. It was asked if Jim could discuss others who may be nominated from the floor if he learned of them during conversations with the Nominating Committee. He said that he would not be at liberty to discuss any such possible nominations. Sheila asked how we would recommend she address the Board at the special Board Meeting being called for Tuesday, July 13. It was suggested the positions be reviewed and which candidates are running and which candidates the Executive Committee is supporting. Mikey said that it should be stressed that we are only discussing the 25 FCB votes and that everyone be encouraged to vote individually as they see fit. Mikey reported that there had been tornadoes in north Florida and Jacksonville due to the hurricane and Cassandra and Sheila were going to check on some of our members. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Tyson, FCB Recording Secretary