Executive Committee Meeting February 4, 2021 A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Thursday, February 4, 2021. The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Those in attendance were: Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-president; Mark Lear, Treasurer; Membership Secretary, Sally Benjamin; Recording Secretary, Mary Tyson; Jim Kracht, Immediate Past President; and Kati Lear, Guest. Cassandra Jessie moved that minutes from November 24, 2020 and January 21, 2021 be accepted as emailed. Motion was seconded by Mikey. Sheila noted an error on the January 21, minutes where BRF had been noted instead of BRL. Kati advised that she would change this before the minutes were posted on the website. Motion passed with this noted correction. Mikey and Sheila gave an update on Paul Edwards. He is living in Jacksonville so that he can receive medical treatment and is doing much better. Sheila asked Mark about the status of the check sent to ACB that they were questioning. He advised that it was a mistake and that the check had been destroyed. Sheila asked about the status of South Sarasota County Chapter. Mary advised that she had read their final chapter minutes from October or November 2020 wherein they decided to dissolve. Sally has a hard copy of their charter document and will scan it in and send to Archives. Jim said that we need to check and make sure that their treasurer’s report has a zero balance and that proceeds have been dispersed to FCB. Mary said that in their minutes it indicated that they would be dispersing remaining funds to various charities. Jim said that that is not what their bylaws call for. Mary will check and let Jim know so that he can contact Tom Hanson. Clay chapter never sent minutes for 2020 and their treasurer’s report was not zeroed out according to records submitted. They indicated to Sally that they had sent in everything but no one knows where the documents are. Cassandra stated that they had told her that they were going to disburse their funds. Jim said that should she hear a chapter say similar things in the future that she should point out that their bylaws indicated that remaining funds are to be turned over to FCB. Mark asked if this was the case with all chapters and Jim said that it was. It was noted that this bylaw requirement should be brought up at an upcoming Presidents meeting. Sheila spoke with Paul Lewis and let him know that he was no longer Chair of Project Insight. She said that she would like him to remain on the committee should he wish to. Nancy Folsom will become chair as of March 1. Sally said that she was unable to access their Facebook page and may need assistance from Debbie Drylie to do so. Jim advised that Paul Lewis had been on the call with the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and was very helpful, cooperative and attentive. Sheila asked for status update on the Voting Task Force. Jim said that their first meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, at 10:00 AM. Also, Volusia County Supervisor of Elections, Lisa Lewis, will be appearing on the roundtable discussion on accessible voting on February 22. Update on the Executive Assistant position currently held by Kati Lear. Cassandra reported that she and Mikey had talked with Kati about her job duties; what they were when she was hired and how they have evolved over time. Kati left the meeting while this topic was discussed. They recommended that a job evaluation be done prior to the Board Meeting. Kati told them that since many chapters were purchasing their own Zoom accounts that she is not doing as many as she was in the beginning. It was recommended that she flex Zoom hours when possible while banking no more than 10 hours. Ten hours per month will be permitted which should be mitigated as chapters and affiliates assume responsibility by having their own Zoom accounts. Vacation and holiday time was also discussed. She currently receives ten vacation days and will list an officer as the contact person while she is away. In addition, she will received paid holidays for eight legal holidays which we specify. The holidays will include: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day. Mary asked if there had been any discussion about a pay range being set for the position. Mikey said no. He said the evaluation would be set up a minimum of every two years and they would attempt to have it the same year as elections so that the outgoing president, who had worked with the assistant, would have input. A draft of the job description will be written up and distributed. Mikey noted that there will be some spending authority for the person in that position for the purchase of supplies, etc., which would be reported on a quarterly basis. Jim recommended that Constitution Changes, Bylaws Changes and the proposed Code of Conduct be put in the convention Call. A letter has been written to the new Jacksonville chapter, but no response has been received from them at this time. Also, there are No additional updates on Tampa or RSVF. Mary has received documentation from RSVF, but No one has received their dues and/or assessment. Convention Update: Sheila has contacted Jen Lane and she will assist us with masks and hand sanitizer. Mark said that he would have the sanitizing spray, which was approved for purchase, sent to Sheila directly from Amazon. radio streaming at convention was discussed. John Richards had difficulty in reaching Rick Moran with ACB radio regarding equipment required for streaming. Sheila just received a response today and he recommends the following: Two USB interfaces, $60 worth of cable and two mixers at a cost of $350 each. There will need to be a computer in each room as well. Mikey spoke as to how John Richards has worked so well on his own for this organization and has been of tremendous value in navigating our stepping into the high tech conferencing world that we are in currently. He is recommending that he be provided some assistance for convention. Debbie Hazelton is scheduled to participate in convention. Mark indicated that he would be interested in assisting and would like to be included in any tutorial or training that is scheduled. Jim said that he would have no problem bringing Debbie in to assist if he felt that John had requested assistance; but he is concerned that this may not be the case. Secondly, he felt that the hotel had promised that their system would work and that it did not. He feels that if we need to spend the money for AV equipment and to have Debbie come to convention that we should, he just wants to be sure that it is desirable and necessary. Mikey said that John had not requested assistance. He said that one problem that we had at the hotel was that we were not utilizing the correct internet connection for what we were trying to accomplish. We did receive a partial reimbursement for this. At convention, we will have to have a hotel representative log our equipment into a dedicated network. They have provided several recommendations which should make the system work much better. It was Mikey’s thinking that John may need assistance because of the new equipment required. Sheila advised that her nephew was an AV expert who set up sound systems in Orlando and has offered to assist us. Mary asked when John would be included in these conversations. Sheila said that she had spoken with John and that he felt that he could handle it with some assistance from Mark. She has not mentioned bringing anyone from ACB radio to John. Jim felt that John should have been involved in the conversations with the hotel and ACB staff since he is the one responsible for running the equipment. Jim made a motion to approve $1,000 to purchase the two mixers and other required equipment and that we order it. And that we meet with John and find out what he wants and needs. If he feels that it would be helpful for Debbie Hazelton to assist, then Jim has no problem with it. Motion was seconded by Mary. Mikey made a friendly amendment to ask John exactly what he would require in the way of equipment. Jim said it would be fine if John made a list of what he will need. Further, he is not opposed to the funding of Debbie Hazelton’s trip to convention if it is deemed necessary but is not inclined to approve that tonight. The motion to approve the purchase of necessary equipment by John was approved. Mikey contacted our new venue the Holiday Inn Westshore in Tampa, where we are scheduled to be in November of 2021 for our fall Board Meeting. He spoke with a gentleman who is currently the only person on the Sales and Banquet team. The hotel has undergone hotel and management changes and he was unaware of who we are. Mikey sent him our four executed contracts. He was informed that the contracts would need to be reviewed to see if the obligations could be met. Motion to adjourn was made by Mary and seconded by Sally. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Tyson, FCB Recording Secretary