FCB Executive Committee Meeting August 5, 2021 A meeting of the FCB Executive Committee was held on Thursday, August 5, 2021. The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Those in attendance were: Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-President; Mark Lear, Treasurer; Sally Benjamin, Membership Secretary; Mary Tyson, Recording Secretary; Immediate Past President, Jim Kracht and Kati Lear, guest. Motion was made by Sally and seconded by Mark to approve the minutes of the April 6, and July 7, 2021 meetings. Motion passed. Status of Administrative Assistant job description. Cassandra reported that it would be completed by Monday, August 9 and she would send it out for review. Status of FCB Event Insurance. Sheila asked what exactly the insurance covers and the cost of approximately $800 per year. It covers officers and directors and is not the event insurance that we purchase for Convention. Jim made a motion that we add coverage for Midyear as well. The motion was seconded by Mary and was passed. Kati reported that on Monday morning she received an email That said her email was in a temporary freeze and unless it was confirmed by Tuesday afternoon the address would be deleted. She called and found out that since Sally’s email address had been changed, we could no longer keep the Florida Council address with that ISP. This has been resolved by Nancy Folsom allowing the FCB address to be attached to their personal account with no additional charge to them and no change to the address. Kati is attempting to get her inbox messages restored; however, folders that she had created have not been lost. Resolution 2021-04 was briefly discussed. No one has come forward to volunteer to work on this project and it was determined that a task force would not be set up as it was felt that the issues have been more or less addressed through other means. Sheila mentioned that she had attended at an ACB Resolutions Committee meeting at which they were discussing the resolution pertaining to paratransit rules. They initially wished for her to withdraw the resolution because it had “Florida” in it. She advised them that she would not do so without speaking with the FCB Resolutions Committee. She subsequently spoke with Paul Edwards who said that “Florida” could be edited out. The ACB committee advised that they would recommend a due pass with this change. Mikey made a motion that the Executive Committee issue a statement that any members planning to attend the Midyear Board Meeting, if they have not been vaccinated, are strongly encouraged to attend virtually. Further, that a mask requirement be put in place for any who attend any FCB facilitated event: committee meetings, Board meeting, etc. Jim made a friendly amendment that “strongly encourage” should be changed to “should”. Mikey accepted this friendly amendment. Motion was seconded by Jim. Motion passed. Cassandra reported that the Greater Fort Lauderdale chapter of FCB has decided to dissolve. Jim, their officer liaison, advised that they had not grown their membership and were having a lot of problems. He is disappointed that the leadership is giving up so easily as they are a new chapter. He will contact them again in an effort to see if the chapter can be salvaged. ACB asked at a presidents meeting if when a person registers for the ACB convention from a state, and they check a box indicating their interest in finding a local chapter, would we prefer that they mail out a letter from FCB or would we prefer that the person’s contact information be sent directly to FCB. It was felt that we think the information should come to us, and that the Membership Secretary is the person who should receive it. Sheila will let Cindy know of our decision. On August 14, will be the first reading of the bylaw to approve voting by phone for future business meetings held at convention. A second reading will be on Sunday, August 15 at 4:00 PM followed by discussion and the vote. Sheila will be out of town and may not have access to the internet when it comes time for the delegate vote. Mikey is he alternate to cast the delegate vote and Mary offered to be his alternate if necessary. People are to call Kati with their affiliate votes and everyone will be able to vote individually. Mary explained that if a person has their code to vote that it can be programmed in their smart phones. Put in the VoteNow number, followed by a comma, the number 1 and a comma, and then your personal code. Sheila said that she had been approached by several people indicating that we should utilize VoteNow for our officer elections in June. She has done some research and was quoted a price of $2,600 for the election. There are a lot of issues that need to be worked out before a decision can be made. This issue was referred to the Convention Committee. Jim will speak with Cynthia regarding the possibility of voting via Zoom and what action needs to be taken by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Jim requested time be allotted to him at the Presidents meeting to discuss the voting letter going out to all of the 67 Supervisors of Elections. He thanked Kati for her work on this project. Motion to adjourn was made by Mary and seconded by Cassandra. Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Tyson, FCB Recording Secretary