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Membership Committee

Cassandra Jessie, Chair
Sally Benjamin, Officer Liaison
Eugene Batke
Julien Clement
Lorraine Clement
Jason Goldfield
Wanda Stokley
Mary Tyson
Cachet Wells

This committee is to promote growth of the Florida Council of the Blind through development of new chapters and assistance to existing affiliates in the state.

The committee serves as a forum to air concerns of FCB's members and will disseminate membership materials as delineated below.

  1. Membership cards, signed by the State Membership Secretary, will be provided annually to each chapter for its members.
  2. One or more members of the Membership and/or Executive Committee will help interested individuals to establish a chapter where one does not already exist or where there is agreement (see Article III of the Constitution) that another chapter is appropriate and beneficial.
  3. The committee will consult and cooperate with chapters, the FCB Board of Directors, and members of the organization to encourage growth and retention of membership.

Chapter Membership Policy

  1. Dues as directed by the FCB By-Laws (Article III), annual FCB membership dues shall be three dollars ($3.00) above those of the American Council of the Blind. Six dollars ($6.00), for each member, and an accurate membership roster MUST be submitted to the FCB Membership Secretary by November 30th of each year.

    Chapters submitting dues and rosters after November 30th, may not vote at the Annual Convention. The chapter Board of Directors MUST ensure that dues and assessments and correct and legible rosters are submitted on time.

  2. Reports of all new members and address changes should be sent to the Membership Secretary as they occur. The official membership form should be submitted for each new member. REMEMBER that a chapter's OFFICIAL membership for voting at the Annual Convention is the one sent to the FCB Membership Secretary by November 30th of each year. The names of new members reported after that date are not counted for convention voting purposes.
  3. When an individual joins a chapter after the annual membership report is submitted, dues should not be sent to FCB. However, DO SEND the completed membership application so the new member can begin receiving the White Cane Bulletin and Braille Forum. (Allow two months to process new member information.)
  4. Copies of the enclosed Membership application and Renewal Form should be made. Enter chapter information at the top of each form and send completed form to the FCB Membership Secretary as soon as a new member joins.

If you have any questions or comments, email the Membership Committee at