Technology Committee

Jason Goldfield, Chair
Mark Lear, Officer Liaison
Elizabeth Bowden
Deborah Kendrick
Amanda Lee
Sherry Molengraft
John Richards
Shelley Sawyer
Ryan Mann


The purpose of this committee is to advance the use of technology to improve the quality of life for blind and visually-impaired people.

The use of technology here refers to computers, adaptive devices and the internet.

The committee members will follow current technology, proposed legislation and the enforcement of adopted legislation. This committee's mission will be to inform other FCB committees and chapters about current technology and legislation; promote the enforcement of existing legislation; develop a listing of hardware and software that is compatible with adaptive technology; provide a repository for FCB members to read about current computer technology and legislation; provide a forum for FCB members to provide input pertaining to all issues relating to adaptive technology.


Technology is a key to interacting with the sighted world. Information access and being able to communicate other keys to better education, better employment, and being a better informed citizen. Information access and communication are affected by technology and how society uses the technology.

This committee will work toward putting technology to work for blind and visually-impaired people. Technology is changing at an unbelievable rate. The challenge is to understand how to use the technology and to make society aware of the blind and visually impaired persons needs and how fulfillment of these needs will improve society as a whole.

If you have any questions or comments, email the Technology Committee at